What We Do

July 24, 1969 was significant for two reasons. First, that was the day that Apollo 11 and its crew -- Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Buzz Aldrin -- splashed down 225 nautical miles from Hawaii at 12:51 pm (EDT). I was glued to the television, and pretty much had been glued since the mission launched on July 16. Nothing quite like a mission to the Moon to excite the imagination of a young boy in Kentucky.

July 24, 1969 also happened to be my 8th birthday. Birthday candles ... a splash down ... a few more weeks of summer vacation. Life was good.

Years passed before I came across the following words of Neil Armstrong: "I believe that every human has a finite number of heartbeats and I don't intend to waste any of mine."

During the passing of those years, there was a lot of lost time, too many lost heartbeats. But better late than never. Adhering to the words of Armstrong, Synergy and Grace is doing its best to make use of each and every heartbeat that we have left. Along the way, we hope to impact lives and nurture hopes & dreams wherever and whenever we can.

Water Access

Water Access

Constructing &/or repairing wells. Securing the safety of the individual collecting the water. Ensuring water collection does not interfere with a child's education.

Art Exchanges

Art Exchanges

Like Picasso, we believe all children are artists. And like Audre Lord, we believe that "It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences."

Mentoring Programs

Mentoring Programs

We subscribe to Oprah Winfrey's thoughts on the subject: "A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself."



Looking for a sounding board? We'll lend you ours. Want to engage in a dialogue about the impact you are trying to bring to your world? Get in touch, we are sure we have as much to learn from you as you might learn from us.

Writing Clubs

Writing Clubs

The 1st meeting of the Khmer Writing Club (Siem Reap, 2014). Photo by Dara Hong. In the words of Isabel Allende, "Maybe the most important reason for writing is to prevent the erosion of time, so that memories will not be blown away by the wind. Write to register history, and name each thing. Write what should not be forgotten."

Photography, Chess, Soccer

Photography, Chess, Soccer

We use art, game, and sport to engage the mind, summon the muse, and instill discipline, focus, & teamwork.

What We Believe

We believe that every girl and boy should be inspired to look up at the moon and dream. And we believe that such dreaming begins with:

  • Safe access to fresh water
  • An education
  • The promise of a future
  • Access to a library
  • Mentoring
  • Exposure to the Arts

Our Current Campaigns

Wells in Uganda

Synergy and Grace currently is partnering with Run4Water (Tennessee) and St. Philip School...

Writing & Art Supplies

Help us find find the future writers and artists of Uganda by helping us purchase writing and...

EdCamp & Scholarships

Please consider the following opportunities if you would like to support Ugandan educators in...


Wells Built & Repaired


Art Exchanges


Photography Projects


Writing Clubs Established




Scholarship Students


Design Your Own Project


In Memoriam Projects